We are right at the end of our warranty period. We got good service on a major transmission repair about a year ago. Then just recently, we had a radiator, and then its thermostat housing replaced in two visits. A faulty O.D. switch was also replaced, This vehicle is a 2007 Ford Explorer XLT. The policy has truly helped us have a beneficial experience with this aging rig. While it worked out in the end, this Co. could have simply replaced our tranny with a factory rebuilt one, for the same cost as the drawn out repairs to the O.E.M. one. Then the rebuilt’s own warranty would go anywhere. As it is, we only have a Ford shop warranty from one dealership, situated between our home town and Seattle, when the transmission lost all of its fluid, as we drove over to a Seahawk’s Game. There is a tight limit on the miles covered by towing, and Washington State can be pretty empty between Ford Dealerships. I will still purchase a new policy, if available, on our next trade up.